What are the Most Popular Graph Databases?

Graph databases have become a common choice for businesses to store data. As graph databases become more popular, many platforms and tools have arisen to help businesses utilize them to their fullest potential. However, this influx of platforms can make it difficult to choose which one is best. In this blog, we’ll outline a few of the best graph databases. If you’re looking for the best graph database solution, visit this website.

What are Graph Databases?

Graph databases are, in their simplest terms, a way of storing data. They utilize a topographical model to store this data, and the way this model is designed allows users to make complex queries and get detailed information in response. Graph database models consist of data points called nodes that are connected by relationships, or edges, to other data points. But what are the best graph databases out there?

Best Graph Databases

Here are a few of the most popular and best graph databases.


Neo4j is open source and can also be bought as a licensed product for those who need it at an enterprise level. Their native graph query language, Cypher, is easy to learn and use. This platform uses clustering to ensure maximum security and flexibility. Neo4j has various toolkits available to add even more versatility to the platform.


ArangoDB is a native multi-model NoSQL database platform. Using graph databases, JSON documents, and key-value stores makes this a simple and useful option. With over a million downloads, it’s quickly growing and becoming more prevalent.

IBM Graph

IBM Graph is a graph as a service model and lets you build your apps rather than concern yourself with the graphs themselves. With 24/7 monitoring and optimization, your development team has less on their plate to worry about. It also ensures that your data is always accessible when you need it.


Dgraph is a highly scalable graphQL database. Dgraph is unique because it’s built like a search engine, which makes it simple and clean for users. With sharded storage and query processing, Dgraph is able to scale easily and quickly, while still offering high levels of processing. Dgraph is able to work all the way up to the biggest enterprise levels thanks to multi-zone clusters. In short, whether you’re a startup or a giant corporation, Dgraph will work for your graph databases needs.

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